As a democratic organization, we are all excited about the upcoming elections to be held on June 15, 2020 to determine the new OTFA Board and Officers.  This is your organization, and we hope that you will exercise your rights and responsibilities to participate.  All OTFA members in good standing that are valid ITF plaque holders are asked to participate.   Please note, in order to exercise your right to vote you’ll need to a be an active member of the OTFA, inclusive of meeting your 2020 OTFA member fee and ITF plaque fee obligations.  All valid plaque holders should have already received the election information from the Officer of the Election, Master Travis Young.

The ballot is open to PREVIEW ONLY at this time using the following link:

NOTE: You will need to enter “test” for the Voter ID and “test” for the Voter Key in order to access the ballot.

We strongly encourage you to visit this preview, so that you have sufficient time in advance to:

  1. Review the list candidates for each position
  2. Read the candidate statements which are indicated with the information icon by each candidate listed
  3. Read the candidate resumes which are presented as Attachments above the list of candidates for each position

This is a historic time for the ITF in the United States; this is the largest nationally affiliated association that we have had in decades in the US, and this is the first broadly open election to determine the leadership for the next term.  By having this be an online election, everyone can participate without the time and financial commitment of traveling to an event which might be across the country to exercise this right.  We really would like to have all members that meet the requirements to participate fully in this election.

If you have not received your information package,  please contact the Officer of the Election, Master Travis Young, at to get an expedited replacement package.